The Turing Complete Business Model


This blog is a work in progress.

With the advance in technology it might be fruitful for a person to start thinking about business as if it is a computational activity that can be programmed to function as desired. The computation/operation of a business is only limited by how digitized the business area is and also if it's operation is profitable enough to fund it's execution.

Alan Turing and Turing Completeness

Here is the history of computer science in three sentences: One day, a man name Alan Turing found a magic lamp, and rubbed it. Out popped a genie, and Turing wished for infinite wishes. Then we killed him for being gay, but we still have the wishes.

Alan Turing is one of the fathers of computation. His work laid the foundation on which modern day computing was built. One of his most notable contributions has been Turing Completeness. Which can be loosely defined as an attribute for a machine/device that can execute any computation problem (given enough resources).

Business Models

An entrepreneur seeks to sufficiently get rid of their customers most immediate discomforts for profit. Any entrepreneur that is not profitable is unable to continue operating.

A business model is the foundation on which an entrepreneur operates their business. With each component and activity clearly defined and maintained.

Turing Complete Business Model

Combining the two concepts of Turing Completeness and Business Models we might be able to have the chimera of a Turing Complete Business Model. Whose attributes is that it is a business that can operate profitable through a programmable manner.

One of the requirements for this would be each component, interaction, and activity the business needs to operate would be an existence of an API (that takes data and produced a desired result). The more sophisticated business would also program mechanisms to handle failure.

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Contributors: Kgothatso Ngako